Welcome to the website of the Investor Compensation Scheme

The Investor Compensation Company DAC (ICCL) is the compensation fund of last resort for customers of authorised financial services firms.

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Stay compliant with the Investor Compensation Act

Participant firms can now pay their annual levy online using our secure payment process.  It’s a quick and easy way to ensure your firm is compliant with the Investor Compensation Act and you’ll receive confirmation immediately.

Pay your levy online now

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Want to know more about claiming compensation?

If you would like to understand how the process of claiming compensation works in Ireland, the ICCL has put together some useful information to help you.

Learn how it works here

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BlackBee Investments Limited

The ICCL continue to forward completed claim applications received to the Joint Administrators of BlackBee Investments Limited for their review and certification.

Please note that under the Investor Compensation Act, 1998, the ICCL is required to set a date when claim applications should be received by with this date being 19th November 2024 for BlackBee Investments Limited.

Any application received after this date, it will be treated as a “late” claim and will require Central Bank of Ireland approval to be admitted to the claims process.

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Risk Equalisation Rule – Feedback Statement Published

In November 2023, having consulted with the Central Bank of Ireland as required by the Investor Compensation Act, 1998, the ICCL issued a consultation document to all Fund A participant firms setting out four proposals to amend the Risk Equalisation Rule (‘RER’). 

Arising from engagement with industry participants the ICCL has concluded that all four proposals, as outlined in the consultation should be implemented in full, without alteration.  In addition, as set out in section 3 of the RER Feedback Statement, the ICCL has determined that certain transitional arrangements and other related actions should be taken for RER in-scope transactions undertaken between 1 March 2020 and 31 March 2024. 

The updates to the RER will take effect from 1 April 2024 for any new RER transactions.  Further detail is included in the RER Feedback Statement which is available from the publications section of the ICCL website.

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Custom House Capital Limited

The ICCL is committed to processing claim applications and paying compensation to clients of CHC as quickly as possible, once validated and certified by the Administrator.

The ICCL reminds all claimants that we will never ask for a claimant's full bank details over the phone.

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